Traliant Partner 2020-10-27T15:24:09+00:00

Compliance Training

Engage employees and ensure they understand how to respond in workplace environments.

Unicorn HRO + Traliant

Traliant’s online compliance training is designed for the way modern workforces learn today. Bite-sized episodes, high quality videos on relevant topics, and interactive knowledge checks engage employees in learning, and can be quickly and easily tailored to your organization. Our courses meet all federal, state and city guidelines so you can confidently train you organization on important topics such as preventing discrimination and harassment; diversity, inclusion and sensitivity and code of conduct.

Unicorn HRO & Traliant’s Diversity & Inclusion Training Suite

As a comprehensive approach to behavior-based training the diversity & inclusion training suite was created with the goal in mind to galvanize positive change within your organization through training that focuses on fundamental inclusive actions.

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Your Employees Will Benefit From:

  • Learning about racial identity and the different forms of racism

  • Understanding how to apply concepts of diversity and inclusion in their daily interaction

  • Increasing awareness of unconscious bias and avoiding its negative influence on business decisions

  • Realizing how positive attitudes and behaviors can create a more inclusive environment

Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Sensitivity Training

Diversity training is becoming increasingly important in today’s workplace. Recent events and protests against racism are sparking global conversations about what organizations can do to address racism in the workplace to create a more diverse and inclusive culture. Learn more about Traliant’s interactive training courses that aim to address diversity, inclusion, sensitivity and racial bias.

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Are you ready to engages your employees and improve your workplace environment?