Cloud-based HR Software Solutions improve how departments work with each other across the Organization

Companies are increasingly making use of Cloud based software solutions to improve how departments work with each other across the organization. Cloud collaboration enables employees to share files and project documents with multiple users, allowing for updates to be made and viewed in real time, gives staff the ability to share screens, and includes file exchange capabilities and online storage solutions. Additional features include the integration, synchronization, and centralization of project information, including client emails, and calendars. Many Cloud based software solutions also provide integration with other systems including Salesforce, Google Aps, and social media sites. Cloud based applications provide more effective and efficient communication, helping to strengthen relationships between teams, enhancing decision making, improving work flow and project management.

Software solutions can be applied to most any HR process, from streamlining and improving recruitment processes – including job posting, interviewing and employee selection, to making training opportunities more accessible to staff with the use of online training formats. These applications also help HR departments to reduce the number of administrative tasks carried out, by providing employees with self-service tools and enabling them to view and select benefit packages, monitor their payroll invoices, and update their personal contact details in real time.

Staff management is another area to which Cloud based platforms are offering managers a greater level of control and there are a variety of innovative and creative ways in which staff performance can now be monitored. For example, there are opportunities for multiple managers to be involved in employee performance reviews, the ability to assess employees in real time through direct observation, and the use of video conferencing; all of which can be beneficial for staff self-assessment and the use of peer assessment.

Cloud Collaboration software continues to advance at a fast rate and it is no longer limited to being used with in-house software. It now includes mobile devices, allowing staff to maintain the same level of productivity when travelling outside of the office. With many companies moving into national and global arenas, and with an increased number of staff working remotely, cloud collaboration is integral to an organizations’ identity and work structure. It allows an organization to work simultaneously on the same task, and when effective it can emulate face-to-face working relationships.


2020-09-21T14:46:05+00:00 July 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|